The College has well-furnished Moot Court Hall. To encourage the skill of advocacy and to train the students in arguments, the Moot Court Competitions are held regularly. The Moot Court Committee conducts selection round to train the students, the selected students will be sent to participate in various National & International Level Moot Court Competitions. The Mock trials, client counseling sessions will be conducted in the Moot Court Hall to enrich the students with skills of advocacy.
The College conducts National level Competitions regularly in which participants across the country take part. The same are judged by High Court Judges and Winners are awarded with Cash Prizes.

The Environmental Cell of ABBS School of Law was established with the motto of incorporating a sense of responsibility towards the environment among students and creating awareness about each person's individual responsibilities to contribute in the prevention of future degradation of the environment. The Committee educate the students in campus and people off campus about the need for environment conservation and Sustainable Development through various activities like Plantation Drive, Awareness Camps, National Seminars, Webinars, Competitions. The Cell also takes the initiative to celebrate environmentally important Days through awareness creation.
- To inculcate the students a sense of responsibility towards environment and its resources.
- To critically analyse government policies on environment related aspects in various forums.
- To effectuate spreading awareness regarding environment conservation.
The Sports Committee Of Abbs Law School(SCL) conducts meetings once a term to discuss sporting participation, coordination of teams, facilities, equipment, setting policies, funding opportunities and all issues relating to sports.
Mission: To nourish the budding sportsmen and strengthen the sporting environment among students.
Cultural committee is responsible to organise and promote all intra and inter collegiate cultural events in the college to bring out the hidden talents of the students in performing arts. To Plan and make a Schedule of cultural events during the academic year and to encourage students to participate.
Human rights has implicit importance as they are considered indispensable for the survival of human beings. ABBS School of Law has recognized human values and has established Human Rights Cell in 201
8-19. Human Rights cell is constituted to promote and preserve human rights in the campus. The main focus of the cell is to implement human rights through effective institutional policy development, capability building and control of human rights violations.
- The Centre for Human Rights Cell aims to provide a “forum where students are able to further their knowledge of modern correctional issues and to bring their classroom learning to life”
- Presentations by students on various topics like Domestic Violence, Right to Information, Sex workers in India.
The Alternate Dispute Resolution Cell at ABBS School of Law undertakes various activities like Research, Training for Competitions and Conducting Seminars and responsible for Weekly Classes to make all the students aware of the theoretical nuances of ADR. The members collectively work towards polishing the skills of students and guiding them to pursue their ADR interests.
facilitate, support, promote, and protect the academic independence of its teachers, researchers, and students as well as scientific inquiry and research endeavours;
fostering the growth of IP at the Institute through fostering an inventive culture;
Give everyone a clear awareness of their rights and obligations, as well as the interests of the Institute and its members:
Create a procedure for managing intellectual property rights and a policy to turn the money created by the Institute into knowledge;
enabling the institute to utilise intellectual property (IP) in a way that benefits the institute, the inventors, and society at large.
Department Contacts
- ABBS School of Law
Andrahalli Main Road, Off Magadi Road, Bengaluru – 560 091, Karnataka, India -
- +91 9141707070
- Mon–Fri 9:00am – 5:00pm